early and often

Who’s the Trump VP Pick? Latest Odds for Every Shortlist Candidate.

Photo-Illustration: Intelligencer; Photos: Getty

Since we’ve known for months that the 2024 election will be a rematch between Donald Trump and Joe Biden, people with an unhealthy addiction to political drama have turned their attention to the race to be Trump’s running mate.

This is yet another aspect of the 2024 race where the normal rules don’t quite apply. Candidates typically want a potential vice president who can “balance” the ticket demographically, ideologically, or geographically. Even Trump succumbed to this thinking in 2016: Mike Pence got the gig because he was a boring, midwestern, ultraconservative Christian with some governing experience — basically the opposite of the erratic, boorish New York TV personality. But this concession to the RNC ultimately backfired (in Trump’s mind) because Pence wouldn’t participate in his January 6 coup attempt.

Now that Trump’s GOP takeover is complete, he’s free to pick anyone he wants. His allies have reportedly urged him to pick a woman or a Black man as his running mate, but it seems most of the finalists are men. He’ll probably put a lot of stock in personal loyalty and who has “the look” (he’s known to base hiring decisions on whether candidates are “out of central casting”). This is creepy and inappropriate, but it’s something you have to consider when trying to predict Trump’s VP pick.

Trump said he will announce his VP choice at the Republican National Convention, which begins on July 15 in Milwaukee. He revealed Pence was his pick just days before the 2016 convention.

Here’s a list (which we’ll keep updated) of who is believed to be on Trump’s shortlist for vice president, and the pros and cons of each possibility, loosely arranged from the candidates with the best odds to the worst.

north dakota governor

Doug Burgum

Graphic: Intelligencer; Photo: Getty

PROS: Like Trump, North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum is a wealthy political outsider. He’s worth hundreds of millions of dollars, mainly because he sold his software company to Microsoft in 2002. “He’s a rich guy with rich friends,” a Republican close to the Trump campaign told the Wall Street Journal. “That goes a long way with Trump.” Burgum raised his national profile a bit by running in the 2024 GOP presidential primaries, but he certainly wouldn’t outshine Trump. Axios reported on April 28 that Burgum is moving up the list because Trump “likes Burgum’s measured demeanor and his gubernatorial experience — and sees Burgum as reliable and low-drama.”
CONS: Burgum’s presidential run showed voters have little interest in him; he dropped out after failing to qualify for the third debate. He didn’t raise much money for his 2024 campaign, though he was willing to spend his own money on buying donors. As a wealthy white man from a red state Burgum wouldn’t help Trump win over any additional constituencies.
LOYALTY CHECK: Burgum mostly avoided attacking Trump during his presidential campaign, and he endorsed the former president shortly after dropping out of the race. He attended Trump’s hush money trial, along with several other VP prospects, and predicted Trump’s conviction “is not gonna matter at all.”
“LOOK” CHECK: Burgum could play a generic VP on a prime-time TV drama so he probably passes this test.
TRUMP’S STANCE: After winning the Iowa Caucus in January, Trump said of Burgum, “He’s one of the best governors in our country, and I hope that I’m going to be able to call on him to be a piece of the administration, a very important piece of the administration.” But that could mean he’s eyeing him for a Cabinet position. While commenting on various VP prospects at a private luncheon in May 2024 Trump said of Burgum, “I didn’t know this: He was a supporter of my two campaigns. He’s a very rich man.” Trump called Burgum “incredible” during an interview with Newsmax after his felony conviction. Burgum has reportedly received vetting materials.
BURGUM’S STANCE: While campaigning Burgum said he wouldn’t serve as Trump’s running mate and wasn’t running for a Cabinet post. In January 2024 he announced he isn’t seeking a third term as governor and seemed more open to the idea of serving in a Trump administration, though he called that “hypothetical at this point in time.”

South Carolina Senator

Tim Scott

Graphic: Intelligencer; Photos: Getty

PROS: Tim Scott is the only Black Republican in the Senate, which could boost his chances if Trump is heeding calls to diversify the ticket. In contrast to Trump’s vision of “American carnage,” Scott is consistently described as a “sunny” and “optimistic” guy (though he’s actually pretty into partisan warfare).
CONS: Scott’s performance in the 2024 GOP primary was unimpressive; though he raised nearly $46 million for his campaign, primarily from large donors, he dropped out months before voting started. Trump doesn’t need Scott to win South Carolina, as Republicans have won the state in 13 of the last 14 presidential elections. Trump is reportedly concerned that Scott is too hard-line on abortion — particularly now that he’s adopted a “states rights” position on the issue. The senator has said he will “sign the most conservative pro-life legislation that they can get through Congress,” suggesting he’s in favor of a national abortion ban.
LOYALTY CHECK: Scott voted to certify Biden’s 2020 win, still thinks Mike Pence “did the right thing” on January 6, and dared to challenge Trump in the 2024 race. But he may have erased any ill will when he endorsed Trump ahead of the New Hampshire primary, though Nikki Haley launched his Senate career. When Trump highlighted this awkward fact during his primary-night victory speech, Scott delivered some grade-A groveling, telling Trump he doesn’t hate anyone, “I just love you!”
“LOOK” CHECK: Did Tim Scott get engaged to his mystery girlfriend, Mindy Noce, then feed the story to the Washington Post in a matter of hours just because he was worried that Trump wouldn’t like the look of a bachelor VP? Maybe!
TRUMP’S STANCE: When asked about potential VP picks in February 2024, Trump mentioned Scott and Noem (though he said he didn’t want people to make “any inference” from the name drop). “A lot of people like Tim Scott — I called him, and I said, ‘You are a much better candidate for me than you are for yourself,’” Trump said, noting that Scott also gave him a “beautiful endorsement.” Scott was among the six people Trump (offhandedly) confirmed are on his shortlist during a February 20 Fox News town hall. The Trump campaign has reportedly requested vetting information from Scott.
SCOTT’S STANCE: Scott initially claimed he had no interest in being anyone’s VP. But he reversed course in late January 2024, saying “you can take it any way you want” when CNN noted he seemed open to being Trump’s running mate. In mid-May he hinted that he’s a top VP contender, saying in a Newsmax interview, “I hear there’s a debate in July. If you’re the guy moderating, maybe I’ll be talking to you.”

Florida Senator

Marco Rubio

Graphic: Intelligencer; Photo: Getty

PROS: Marco Rubio is a young yet experienced politician, and a well-known figure nationally. He’s serving his third term as U.S. senator from Florida and ran for president in 2016. He would be the first Latino person on a major-party presidential ticket, which may help Trump with that crucial voting bloc. He’s also built a robust fundraising network for himself.
CONS: The Constitution prohibits electors from voting for both a president and VP from their home state, so either Trump or Rubio would have to move. The Bulwark reported that Trump has no interest in changing his state of residence to accommodate a VP pick, but Rubio is up for it.
LOYALTY CHECK: While they’ve now patched things up, Rubio said a lot of nasty things about Trump during the 2016 campaign. Plus, Trump memorably dubbed him “Little Marco,” which led to a mortifying debate exchange about the size of the two candidates’ genitals. Unlike many other VP prospects, Rubio did not attend Trump’s hush money trial. The senator has generally run a low-key campaign, and according to the Times, “The soft touch has perplexed Mr. Trump, who has privately wondered how much the senator wants the job.” But he did complain passionately about Trump’s conviction, urging Trump voters to not “just get angry about this travesty, get even!”
“LOOK” CHECK: Rubio was described as “telegenic” in a NBC News report that claimed he’s moving up Trump’s short list. But while Americans have seen a lot of Rubio on their screens, they may remember him best for his robotic debate performance and inability to sip water gracefully.
TRUMP’S STANCE: While commenting on various VP prospects at a private luncheon in May 2024 Trump said of Rubio, “His name is coming up a lot for vice president!” He also called the senator “great” during a post-conviction Newsmax interview. Rubio has reportedly received vetting paperwork.
RUBIO’S STANCE: In March the senator claimed he was unaware that he’s on Trump’s short list — but he’s into it. “If anybody has been offered the chance to be vice president, they should consider that an honor and an incredible opportunity to serve our country. But that hasn’t happened, I haven’t spoken to anybody on his campaign about it,” Rubio said. “Never once have I talked to [Trump] about vice presidency.”

ohio senator

J.D. Vance

Graphic: Intelligencer; Photos: Getty

PROS: Freshman Ohio Senator J.D. Vance is an Ivy League-educated Iraq War veteran who can often be seen fiercely defending Trump on TV. Trump needs to win Ohio again in 2024; who better to help him than the guy who literally wrote the book on the MAGA base (at least in the view of bewildered liberals who turned to Hillbilly Elegy after Trump’s 2016 win)?
CONS: A lot of people, actually. Trump won Ohio twice without Vance’s help. And in the 2022 Senate race, Vance’s campaigning and fundraising skills were unimpressive. That November he “underperformed the eight other Republicans on the statewide ballot by more than 11 points,” as the Washington Post noted.
LOYALTY CHECK: In 2016, Vance declared himself a “Never Trump guy” and wondered if Trump might be “America’s Hitler.” Then during his 2022 Senate campaign he underwent a stunning MAGA conversion. Trump remarked at a 2022 Vance rally, “J.D. is kissing my ass he wants my support so much.” More recently, Vance said he would have rejected Biden-won states’ electoral votes on January 6 if he had been in Mike Pence’s shoes. Vance attended Trump’s hush money trial, along with several other VP prospects, to show his support.
“LOOK” CHECK: If Trump really is looking for a woman or a person of color, Vance isn’t his guy (or gal).
TRUMP’S STANCE: Although Trump campaigned for Vance in 2022, he’s never seemed that impressed with his belated turn to Trumpism. At another midterms rally, Trump said of Vance, “He’s a guy that said some bad shit about me … But I have to do what I have to do.” While commenting on various VP prospects at a private luncheon in May 2024 Trump said of Vance, “He wasn’t a supporter of mine at the very beginning … He was saying things like ‘the guy’s a total disaster’ … any ways I got to know him a little bit … As a non politician, he’s become one of the great senators.” Vance has reportedly received vetting paperwork.
VANCE’S STANCE: While campaigning for Trump in January 2024, he said, “The best place for me is to actually be an advocate of the agenda in the United States Senate.” But he added, “Certainly, if the president asked, I would have to think about it, because I want to help him.”

New York Representative

Elise Stefanik

Graphic: Intelligencer; Photos: Getty

PROS: As the fourth-ranking member in House GOP leadership, Elise Stefanik could help Trump do the parts of the job that don’t interest him, like working with Congress and articulating the GOP platform. She’s also a talented fundraiser. Adding a 39-year-old woman to the Republican ticket could theoretically allay any concerns voters — and particularly suburban women — might have about reelecting a 77-year-old man who was found liable for sexual abuse and repeatedly accused of sexual misconduct.
CONS: The New York congresswoman can’t deliver her home state for Trump. And with its high turnover rate, perhaps the GOP House leadership can’t afford to lose a competent woman.
LOYALTY CHECK: During the 2016 campaign, Stefanik harshly criticized Trump for his incendiary rhetoric and policy views, saying he “has been insulting to women.” But after she started rising in the GOP leadership, she morphed into a MAGA cheerleader. Trump may appreciate that Stefanik is seemingly so desperate to be his running mate that she’ll say just about anything, from bemoaning the plight of the J6 “hostages” to blaming the media for the jury’s verdict in the E. Jean Carroll case. But her previous anti-Trump sentiments would certainly cause headaches for his campaign.
“LOOK” CHECK: Stefanik is a white woman from Albany of Italian and Czech heritage, but who knows if Trump considers the last name “Stefanik” “too ethnic.”
TRUMP’S STANCE: He reportedly nodded and said, “She’s a killer,” when Stefanik’s name came up as a potential VP pick during a December 2023 dinner with Mar-a-Lago members. While commenting on various VP prospects at a private luncheon in May 2024 Trump called Stefanik, “A very smart person,” adding, “She was in upstate New York when I met her … little did we realize she would be such a big factor.” The Trump campaign has reportedly requested vetting information from Stefanik.
STEFANIK’S STANCE: When asked if she’d be Trump’s running mate, Stefanik said, “Of course, I’d be honored … to serve in a future Trump administration in any capacity.”

Former Secretary of Housing and Urban Development

Ben Carson

Graphic: Intelligencer; Photos: Getty

PROS: Carson has a compelling backstory: he grew up in poverty and became a renowned neurosurgeon. He ran against Trump in the 2016 presidential election, raising his national profile, then became Trump’s Housing and Urban Development secretary and one of his most loyal surrogates. He could theoretically help Trump appeal to Black and Christian voters.
CONS: Carson has a low-key speaking style; he wouldn’t outshine Trump but he wouldn’t add much energy to the ticket either. Carson compared abortion to slavery and said he wants the procedure outlawed with no exceptions for cases of rape or incest, which conflicts with Trump’s “states rights” stance. He’s also 72, so he won’t reassure voters who are concerned about Trump’s age.
LOYALTY CHECK: Carson was one of the few original Cabinet officials who stuck with Trump throughout his term, even after Capitol Riot.
“LOOK” CHECK: Presumably someone with the HUD secretary “look” could also be Trump’s VP.
TRUMP’S STANCE: The candidate hasn’t commented on Carson as his 2024 VP pick. But the Trump campaign has reportedly requested vetting information from Carson.
CARSON’S STANCE: When asked about being Trump’s running mate in February 2024, Carson said, “I really haven’t put a lot of thought into it.” But he left the door open, adding, “I will consider what we can do to save our country.”

Florida Congressman

Byron Donalds

Graphic: Intelligencer; Photos: Getty

PROS: Congressman Byron Donalds of Florida is seen as a rising star in the GOP. The 45-year-old is one of only five Black Republicans currently serving in Congress; he could potentially help Trump appeal to Black voters and young people.
CONS: Donalds is inexperienced: he’s only in his second term and he doesn’t have much of a national profile. He was also arrested for distribution of marijuana and bribery when he was younger. As with Rubio, Trump picking a fellow Floridian as his running mate would create a constitutional problem for the campaign.
LOYALTY CHECK: He’s been a MAGA loyalist since he was elected in 2016, and in 2020 he endorsed Trump over Florida governor DeSantis. But CNN dug up numerous social media posts and interviews from around 2011 and 2012 in which Donalds criticized Trump. Donalds attended Trump’s hush money trial, along with several other VP prospects, to show his support.
“LOOK” CHECK: The last name “Donalds” could go either way. “Trump-Donalds” looks a little silly on a bumper sticker, but Trump may enjoy seeing his own first name on the ticket twice.
TRUMP’S STANCE: While commenting on various VP prospects at a private luncheon in May 2024 Trump called Donalds, “Somebody who’s created something very special politically … I like diversity. Diversité as you would say. I like diversité. [Donors] worth millions of dollars … all want a piece of Byron.” The Trump campaign has reportedly requested vetting information from Donalds.
DONALDS’ STANCE: When asked if he’d accept an invitation to be Trump’s running mate, the congressman said, “I mean, who wouldn’t?”

Arkansas senator

Tom Cotton

Graphic: Intelligencer; Photo: Getty

PROS: Tom Cotton is a Harvard educated Army veteran who served in Iraq and Afghanistan. In May 2024 the New York Times reported that Cotton has moved to the top of Trump’s VP list due to these credentials, and because Trump considers the senator a “reliable and effective communicator in cable news interviews.”
CONS: Trump doesn’t need Cotton’s help to win Arkansas. His previous endorsement of a national abortion ban after 20 weeks of pregnancy is at odds with Trump’s “let the states decide” stance. He urged Trump to deploy the U.S. military against protesters in 2020, which may be a tad too authoritarian for some voters.
LOYALTY CHECK: Cotton voted to certify Joe Biden’s 2020 election win, but so did some other top Trump VP contenders, including Rubio and Scott.
“LOOK” CHECK: Obviously Cotton is not a woman or a person of color, but neither are most of the guys topping Trump’s list at the moment.
TRUMP’S STANCE: Trump has yet to comment on the Cotton for VP speculation.
COTTON’S STANCE: Cotton dodged when asked about serving in a second Trump administration in a May Fox News interview, saying, “I suspect only Donald Trump knows who is really on his short list.”

Former U.S. Representative

Tulsi Gabbard

Graphic: Intelligencer; Photo: Getty

PROS: Since leaving the Democratic Party in 2022, former U.S. representative Tulsi Gabbard has become a regular at right-wing venues like Fox News and CPAC. She could give the GOP ticket a sheen of bipartisanship, and serve as a credible critic of her old party, which she attacked as “under the complete control of an elitist cabal of warmongers driven by cowardly wokeness.”
CONS: Gabbard would be a weird and risky Trump pick. She endorsed Bernie Sanders in 2016 and backed Biden in 2020 after ending her own presidential bid.
LOYALTY CHECK: Highly suspect. She hasn’t even endorsed Trump and seemed pretty excited about the possibility of being RFK Jr.’s VP (until he went with Nicole Shanahan).
“LOOK” CHECK: This would be the least weird aspect of Trump picking Gabbard for VP. She’s a young, telegenic woman of color, so she checks multiple boxes on this front.
TRUMP’S STANCE: Trump seemed to confirm he’s considering Gabbard, though he didn’t mention her by name. She was on a list of potential picks suggested to Trump by Laura Ingraham in February; he replied “all of those people are good. They’re all solid.”
GABBARD’S STANCE: When asked in a March 2024 Fox News interview if she’d consider being Trump’s running mate she said, “I would be open to that.”

former 2024 presidential candidate

Vivek Ramaswamy

Graphic: Intelligencer; Photos: Getty

PROS: Vivek Ramaswamy could be the best of both worlds for Trump. Demographically, he’s the opposite of the elderly white Florida man: a young Indian American from Ohio. But spiritually, Ramaswamy is Trump’s clone; his presidential campaign was all about railing against “wokeness” and passionately defending the former president. And he was also the co–top pick for VP in the 2024 CPAC straw poll.
CONS: The biotech entrepreneur has no political experience and veered into extremism toward the end of his presidential campaign (for example, he called January 6 an “inside job” and embraced the “great replacement” theory). And the more Americans saw of him, the less they liked him. Shortly after Ramaswamy launched his candidacy last spring, 18 percent of Americans viewed him favorably, while 13 percent viewed him unfavorably, according to FiveThirtyEight’s polling averages. After a campaign performance that many found glib and obnoxious, those numbers flipped. Today his average is 36 percent unfavorable to 24 percent favorable.
LOYALTY CHECK: Ramaswamy praised Trump effusively even when they were primary opponents and demanded that other GOP candidates sign his pledge to pardon Trump. It increasingly seemed that Ramaswamy was running for a spot in Trump’s administration, not the presidency. Ramaswamy attended Trump’s hush money trial, along with several other VP prospects, to show his support.
“LOOK” CHECK: Can you really picture Trump putting “Ramaswamy” on a bumper sticker?
TRUMP’S STANCE: When asked about Ramaswamy as VP in August 2023, Trump praised his obsequiousness and commented, “He’s got good energy, and he could be in some form of something. I tell ya, I think he’d be very good.” When chants of “VP, VP, VP” broke out for Ramaswamy during a January 2024 rally, Trump responded, “He’s going to be working with us for a long time.” Ramaswamy was among the six people Trump (offhandedly) confirmed are on his shortlist during a February 20 Fox News town hall. However, on March 18 Bloomberg reported that Trump has ruled out Ramaswamy as his running mate: “Trump personally told Ramaswamy he won’t be his vice presidential pick, according to people briefed on the discussion, but is considering him for posts including Homeland Security secretary.”
RAMASWAMY’S STANCE: When asked if he’d be Trump’s running mate hours after ending his own presidential campaign in January, Ramaswamy said he’d “evaluate whatever is best for the future of this country.”

South Dakota Governor

Kristi Noem

Graphic: Intelligencer; Photos: Getty

PROS: Kristi Noem has impeccable MAGA credentials. She has government experience but is no creature of “the swamp”; she served as South Dakota’s sole representative in the U.S. House for eight years before she was elected as the state’s first female governor in 2018. In 2020, she gained national attention for easing up on COVID restrictions faster than other governors and supporting Trump’s election-fraud lies. Noem has been issuing orders and legislation that put her at the center of hot culture-war issues, such as banning “critical race theory” and targeting transgender people. She was also the top pick for VP (tied with Vivek Ramaswamy) among attendees at the 2024 CPAC.
CONS: South Dakota is a solidly red state with only three Electoral College votes. In 2023, several outlets reported that the married mother of three was having an “absurdly blatant” affair with Trump adviser Corey Lewandowski (she’s denied this). Trump is reportedly concerned that Noem is too strict on abortion; she has called herself an “absolutist” on the issue and has defended the lack of rape and incest exceptions in her state’s extreme abortion ban. In April, Puck reported that after landing on his “states rights” abortion stance Trump decided to cross abortion extremists off his short list — and that means Noem. A short time later the governor started distancing herself from her state’s abortion law; she declined to say whether she personally believes in rape and incest exceptions and said, “I think that every state is going to look different” on abortion. Oh, and Noem is an admitted dog killer. In her new book she tells a weird story about fatally shooting Cricket, her 14-month old puppy. She’s defended the move, but a person close to the Trump campaign told Semafor, “Governor Noem just keeps proving over and over that she’s a lightweight … We can’t afford a Kamala problem.”
LOYALTY CHECK: She can often be seen on Newsmax, Fox News, and other right-wing outlets almost openly campaigning for the job of Trump’s VP.
“LOOK” CHECK: Noem passes with flying colors. She’s a former farm girl and beauty queen whose recent memoir, Not My First Rodeo, is “chock-full of folksy idioms and Bible verses,” per The Atlantic.
TRUMP’S STANCE: He mentioned Noem (along with Tim Scott) as a potential VP pick in February 2024, saying she’s “been incredible fighting” for him. Noem was among the six people Trump (offhandedly) confirmed are on his shortlist during a February 20 Fox News town hall. Noem met with Trump at Mar-a-Lago on February 27. While commenting on various VP prospects at a private luncheon in May 2024 Trump called Noem, “Somebody that I love,” adding, “She’s been with me, a supporter of mine and I’ve been a supporter of hers for a long time. “
NOEM’S STANCE: When Newsmax asked her if she’d consider an offer to be Trump’s VP, she said “Oh, absolutely. I would in a heartbeat.”

texas governor

Greg Abbott

Photo-Illustration: Intelligencer; Photo: Brandon Bell/Getty Images

PROS: Selecting Texas governor Greg Abbott as his running mate would amplify Trump’s border-security messaging. He’s repeatedly clashed with the Biden administration over border policy, increasing his national popularity and boosting his job-approval rating in Texas. He’s an experienced politician and a strong fundraiser.
CONS: Some of Abbott’s policies may be too harsh for swing voters. He signed into law one of the strictest abortion bans in the country, and critics say his anti-migrant policies are inhumane.
LOYALTY CHECK: While Abbott isn’t as sycophantic as some other Texas officials, he and Trump generally have a solid relationship.
“LOOK” CHECK: Abbott has used a wheelchair since 1984, when he was paralyzed from the waist down after a tree fell on him while he was jogging. It would be great if this didn’t figure into Trump’s decision, but he has expressed some pretty horrifying views about disabled people.
TRUMP’S STANCE: During a joint interview with Abbott and Trump after their visit to the southern border on February 29, Sean Hannity asked if the governor could be Trump’s running mate. “He’s done a great job,” Trump said. “Yeah, certainly he would be somebody that I would very much consider.” When Hannity asked if he’s on the short list, Trump replied “absolutely.”
ABBOTT’S STANCE: Abbott downplayed the idea of becoming Trump’s VP at a press conference after the border visit. “Obviously, it’s very nice of him to say, but I think you all know that my focus is entirely on the state of Texas,” he said. “As you know, I’m working right now on the midterm-election process. I’ve already talked about that I’ve announced that I’m running for reelection two years from now, and so my commitment is to Texas and I’m staying in Texas.”

arkansas governor

Sarah Huckabee Sanders

Graphic: Intelligencer; Photos: Getty

PROS: Like Noem, Arkansas governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders is the first woman elected to lead her state. And like Stefanik, the 41-year-old is one of the youngest and most well-known women in the GOP, so she could theoretically help Trump win over suburban women. Plus, Trump’s former White House press secretary already has plenty of experience defending his record.
CONS: Will suburban women love Sanders’s aggressively pro-life stance? Perhaps not. Puck reported that Sanders moved even lower on Trump’s list after he landed on his “states rights” abortion stance. Also, Sanders isn’t very popular, even in Arkansas. A recent poll found her job-approval rating is only 48 percent, the lowest for any governor in the state since her father Mike Huckabee’s rating of 47 percent in 2003. And the scandal over her office’s purchase of a $19,000 podium is ongoing.
LOYALTY CHECK: While Sanders remained neutral in the 2024 GOP primary longer than some other VP contenders, she eventually endorsed Trump in November 2023, describing him as “my former boss, my friend, and everybody’s favorite president.”
“LOOK” CHECK: It seems she meets Trump’s standards as she served as the face of his administration for two years.
TRUMP’S STANCE: He endorsed Sanders’s gubernatorial bid but didn’t say anything positive about her while denying reports that she initially declined to back his 2024 campaign.
SANDERS’S STANCE: When asked about the prospect of serving as VP on Face the Nation in January 2024, Sanders said, “Look, I absolutely love the job I have. I think it’s one of the best jobs I could ever ask for, and I am honored to serve as governor, and I hope I get to do it for the next seven years.” So either she’s trying to play it cool or she genuinely isn’t interested.

alabama senator

Katie Britt

Photo-Illustration: Intelligencer; Photo: Getty

PROS: Katie Britt, a freshman senator from Alabama, is the youngest Republican woman ever elected to the Senate. She is also the only mother of school-aged children in the Senate Republican Conference. She has a son in eighth grade and a daughter in ninth grade with her husband, Wesley Britt, a former offensive tackle for the New England Patriots. Britt raised her national profile when she came out in favor of legal protections for IVF when an Alabama Supreme Court ruling shut down IVF services in the state, then delivered the GOP response to Biden’s 2024 State of the Union address.
CONS: Britt’s SOTU response was terrible. “It’s one of our biggest disasters ever,” a GOP strategist told the Daily Beast. Also, she has held public office for less than a year and Trump doesn’t need her help to win Alabama.
LOYALTY CHECK: As former chief of staff to longtime senator Richard Shelby, Britt has a rather “swampy” past. But she managed to get Trump’s endorsement over his crony Mo Brooks in 2022, going on to win her former boss’s seat when he retired.
“LOOK CHECK”: On paper, Britt is exactly who the GOP wants as the face of the party. But she probably ruined her VP chances with her poor delivery of the GOP SOTU rebuttal.
TRUMP’S STANCE: Trump hasn’t said anything about Britt as a potential running mate.
BRITT’S STANCE: She dodged the question when CBS News This Morning asked about her VP aspirations in November 2023, saying, “Oh, goodness, I’m just working hard in the U.S. Senate.”

Arizona senate candidate

Kari Lake

Graphic: Intelligencer; Photos: Getty

PROS: The former TV-news anchor turned Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake is such an effective MAGA cheerleader that The Atlantic proclaimed her the “leading lady” of Trumpism. She also won a straw poll for Republican VP pick at CPAC.
CONS: Lake lost Arizona’s 2022 gubernatorial election for the GOP (though, like Trump, she baselessly cast herself as the victim of election fraud). She’s currently running in the 2024 Arizona Senate race, which would seem to take her out of the running for VP. (However, Vanity Fair reports that her frequent trips out of state have fueled speculation that she still has her eye on VP.)
LOYALTY CHECK: Is it possible to love Trump too much? Lake seems to be on a mission to find out. She’s openly gushed about his “BDE” and personally vacuumed a red carpet for Trump.
“LOOK” CHECK: She’s undeniably telegenic and may be what AI would churn out if asked to conjure the perfect MAGA running mate.
TRUMP’S STANCE: In January 2024, Trump said Lake would be wonderful — in the Senate. “She’s terrific,” Trump said at a rally. “She’ll be a senator — a great senator, I predict, right? You’re going to be a great senator.”
LAKE’S STANCE: In November 2023, her campaign spokesperson said she’s “focused on winning her Senate race in Arizona. And she looks forward to casting her vote in Arizona for president Trump and whoever he selects as VP.”

Georgia representative

Marjorie Taylor Greene

Graphic: Intelligencer; Photos: Getty

PROS: Standing next to two-term Georgia congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene could make Trump look sane and measured.
CONS: Her selection would turn the 2024 election into a national debate over the capabilities of secret Jewish space lasers.
LOYALTY CHECK: She’s arguably Trump’s most rabid defender in Congress. And if any of her colleagues do argue with her, she may call them a “little bitch.”
“LOOK” CHECK: Picking the QAnon congresswoman would definitely be a wild look for the Trump campaign, but that has nothing to do with her appearance.
TRUMP’S STANCE: He’s clearly a huge MTG fan — he’s publicly called her “brilliant” and “a badass” — but that doesn’t mean he’s making her VP. Several Trump-world sources told Rolling Stone that he’s not “stupid enough” to make her his running mate.
GREENE’S STANCE: She’s openly fanned the “MTG for VP” speculation. In August 2023, she told The Guardian, “It’s talked about frequently and I know my name is on a list but really my biggest focus right now is serving the district that elected me.” That same month, she mused to the Atlanta Journal Constitution, “I have a lot of things to think about. Am I going to be a part of President Trump’s Cabinet if he wins? Is it possible that I’ll be VP?”

Former Fox News Host

Tucker Carlson

Graphic: Intelligencer; Photos: Getty

PROS: Pundit Tucker Carlson was a pillar of the Fox News prime-time lineup until he was fired in April 2023, so he’d bring a huge amount of star power to the Trump campaign. Also, Melania Trump reportedly likes him as VP.
CONS: Carlson is beloved by the “most nativist, paranoid, and bigoted constituents in the Republican Party,” as Jonathan Chait put it. But swing voters might not be as charmed by a guy who’s embraced the “great replacement” theory by name. Also, the last thing Trump wants is a running mate who might outshine him.
LOYALTY CHECK: Though he later backtracked, we learned from the Fox News–Dominion Voting Systems defamation suit that Tucker told colleagues via text that he sees Trump as a “demonic force” and a “destroyer,” adding, “I hate him passionately.” So let’s put him down as “not that loyal.”
“LOOK” CHECK: If Trump is okay with seeing a lot of memes featuring his running mate’s “dumbfounded face,” Carlson should be fine.
TRUMP’S STANCE: When asked about Carlson for VP in November 2023, Trump responded, “I like Tucker a lot. I guess I would consider him. He’s got great common sense.” In January 2024, Donald Trump Jr. said the Carlson was still “on the table” and he “would certainly be a contender” for VP.
CARLSON’S STANCE: He seemed to shoot down the idea in a December 2023 interview, saying, “I just don’t think I’m really suited for that. I mean, would anyone want to see a guy like me run for office?”

florida governor

Ron DeSantis

Graphic: Intelligencer; Photos: Getty

PROS: He pitched himself to Republicans as a less erratic, not dumb Trump clone. So who better to step up if Trump becomes incapacitated?
CONS: DeSantis embarrassed himself by running an incompetent 2024 presidential campaign. Putting two demagogic Florida men on the GOP ticket doesn’t make any sense — and it may even be unconstitutional!
LOYALTY CHECK: DeSantis fails this crucial test. He grudgingly bent the knee to Trump by endorsing him as he dropped out of the race days before the New Hampshire primary. That may be enough to serve in a future Trump administration but he hasn’t groveled hard enough to be VP.
“LOOK” CHECK: Nobody wants a VP who eats pudding with his hands.
TRUMP’S STANCE: DeSantis was one of the six people Trump (offhandedly) confirmed are on his shortlist during a February 20 Fox News town hall, which is the only reason there’s been a surge in “DeSantis for VP” chatter.
DeSANTIS’S STANCE: DeSantis seemingly took himself out of the running a day later when he said on a private call to supporters, “I am not doing that,” then made some lightly insulting remarks about Trump, the people running his campaign, and the right-wing media in general.

This post has been updated throughout.

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